Population and Public Health

How Health IT Public Policy Supports Social Determinants of Health Initiatives Webinar

Social determinants of health (SDOH)—the conditions under which people live, learn, work and age—have a greater impact on health risks and outcomes than medical care.

In this on-demand webinar, explore how the states of Virginia and North Carolina are supporting SDOH initiatives through health IT to improve population health and health equity, and leverage more value from Medicaid dollars. Data and information play a pivotal role in enabling SDOH initiatives. Accessing and using sensitive SDOH data, however, invokes considerable operational, technical, privacy and security challenges. Learn how health IT helps institutions successfully meet SDOH program objectives, and how these states have overcome challenges accessing and using SDOH information.

Learning Objectives

  • Assess best practices and lessons learned of applying IT to social determinants of health at the state level
  • Describe the drivers behind U.S. state government initiatives to address social determinants of health
  • Discover how state governments are addressing social determinants through health IT-driven solutions, such as data exchange across sectors and maintaining privacy and security standards

This webinar offers 1.50 CAHIMS/CPHIMS CE credits.


  • Jonah Frohlich, Managing Director, Manatt Health
  • Elizabeth Osius, Director, Manatt Health
  • Norman Oliver, MD, State Health Commissioner, Virginia Department of Health
  • Amanda Van Vleet, MPH, Associate Director of Innovation, Medicaid Strategy Office, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
  • Erika Ferguson, MPP, Director of the Office of Healthy Opportunities, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services

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